Radha Mohan is a top fictional, thrilling, and supernatural horror Indian-Hindi TV show on Zee TV. This drama premiered in May 2020 on Zee TV and ZEE5 digitally under the production of Studio LSD Private Limited by Prateek Sharma. Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan serial is one of the amazing Desi TV drama series based on a fictional story ...
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Radha Mohan is a fictional, horror, and thrilling Hindi TV serial on Zee TV under the production of Studio LSD Private Limited. This desi TV drama series premiered in May 2020 with digital streaming of ZEE5. Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan serial is based on the fictional, horror, supernatural, and romantic story of Radha and Mohan. This drama serial has crossed 650 plus episodes with Shabir Ahluwalia and Neeharika Roy as star cast. Radha Mohan is basically a spin-off remake of a Zee Tamil series ”Yaardi Nee Mohini”.
The story revolves around the thrilling life and fictional plot of Mohan and Radha. Mohan Trivedi has relationships with a lot of women, but this story focuses on his ex-wife Tulsi, present life partner Radha, and his daughter Gungun. Radha is inspired by Mohan, she has a friendly bond with Gungun too. The spirit of Mohan’s first wife is still roaming in the house to protect her daughter. Mohan’s stepmother asks him to marry her niece Damini. Damini is a greedy woman who is behind his wealth only.
Kadambari and Damini want to catch the spirit of Tulsi but fail. Radha’s marriage is fixed with Hardy, but Mohan and Gungun manage to stop this marriage by exposing his secret. This brings Mohan and Radha closer and Damini starts to make plans to harm them. She accused Radha of the death of Tulsi, but Mohan protected her.
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